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Recreation Committee Minutes 2011/10/11

Rec Committee Meeting
present: Betsy Katz, Craig Heino, Jon Reed, Patricia Halpin, Scott Blewitt, Paul Skarin

6:35 meeting called to order by Paul
Minutes from previous meeting tabled
Library presentation by Jean Molloy, Terri White, Jim Gottling, John Walden Terri - update plans for new Abbott library review of what has happened since March 2010 to now John W - review of plan Terri - review of how to pay for the new library (see pamphlet) and foundation library trustees fielded questions regarding the plan

Dewey Beach - new anchors have been placed on corners for buoys Paul has verified our swimline permit with the state.  we have a variance to place swim lines on plan submitted.  paul reviewed the plan and that the plan shows where the property is.

motion to have property surveyed for less than $1,000 by Patricia    second by Betsy.  All in favor

Motion to reappoint Patricia for another term, second by Betsy.  All in favor

Scott is going to the selectman meeting to discuss having a raffle for the bike and having the raffle at the turkey trot

There is a group of skateboarders interested in doing something to the existing skatepark.  They were invited to come tonight but did not show.

Patricia has spoken to LSPA regarding changing the drainage for the swale at Dewey Beach.  She will reach out to them again for more information.

Scott reviewed the current budget, RecCom pays first from budget and this will deplete the budget.

Work on veterans field will be done after fall soccer season.

motion to adjourn by Patricia second by Betsy at 7:44pm